Can there be such a thing? I don’t feel driven, but I will surely finish two sweaters this week (I am so close!), and that will make four sweaters in six weeks. Three of the these sweaters are for me….how decadent! The fourth sweater is an adorable Debbie Bliss design from her pattern book EcoBaby.
The yarn is luscious to knit with….soft and almost as bouncy as knitting with wool. It makes a heavenly knitted fabric.
This is the sweater I’m working on. It is for my niece who is 18 months old. I’d love to make some linen pants to go with the sweater. I’m ready to knit the collar, and I realize now that the collar ends wrong side out in the pattern which you can see in the photo! Yuk! I thought it would be a simple change to pick up stitches for the collar and just knit it with the right side facing in so it would be right side out when folded back. But it won’t be that simple! The collar is knitted as your finish the front the of the sweater so it is all one piece. I need to keep the shoulder area right side out while the collar part switches to right side in. I’ve got one idea on how to transition into having the right side switch, but I think I will check on Ravelry and see what others may have done to improve this design.
Aside from that glitch, I do love Debbie Bliss’s designs! I met her a couple of years ago when she had a trunk show at Creative Knitworks when they were in Hillsdale, NJ (they have since moved to a larger space in Westwood, NJ….now isn’t that a great situation for a LYS!). At that time I got to handle and even try on a number of Debbie’s sweaters. I saw first hand how many differently shaped women looked attractive in her designs and how well one size could fit a rather broad range of shapes! Kudos to her!
And we are still sailing the coast of Maine and the islands of Penobscot Bay. Yesterday was our first rainy day in six weeks of being here….amazing. Previous to that we have only had rain during the night! Pretty perfect! I spent the day down below knitting the sailor sweater until I ran into the collar dilemma. We ate hot comfort food all day, our favorite way of passing rainy days on board, and I also made a second beaded bracelet and did some reading.
This was a lovely spot for lunch in Stonington, which has always been a busy harbor, initially for the schooners picking up granite and now for lobster fishing. Last weekend we ate out at the very end of this dock overlooking the water!
Isn’t this stunning? I envision myself having coffee in the morning, wine in the evening, knitting, reading, star gazing…. in other words, living in this magical garden on the water!
I bought this bracelet pattern as a download from I Dream of Beading in Poughkeepsie, NY. I am not a beader by any stretch, and I had no experience with either herringbone or tila beads, so if I can follow the directions they must be superb! I love wearing my new gem!
There is more news, but I’ll save it for another post….