Life, again. You never know when life is going to take over and make all your plans seem positively ridiculous… impermanent as a shadow in fading light.
So Bob and I have been at a standstill for the past few weeks. He’s behind on getting Pandora ready for its next season of long distance sailing, and I’m behind in using my precious land time to fulfill my own projects.
In honor of Labor Day we are having a quiet day at home (it’s raining so there is no pressure to be out at a picnic or parade this year). I am returning to my silk warp from the NEWS conference. I have prepared my folding table and loom with drop cloths to protect everything from dye, and I have been looking at my MX dye charts from decades ago… Unfortunately, today is not serving up the best light for choosing colors. Hence, I’m taking a break here to document this project!
What is left of my warp is not long enough for a scarf. I would have bet money on this being the case, so all along I’ve imagined this last piece being a narrow wall hanging. My design choices are limited by the threading I’ve already established which is an advancing twill. I can weave it in sharp advancing points or in undulating advancing hills. I want to try separating out an inch of warp at each side for an ikat-effect black and white block design to frame the main design in the center.
Now I will begin mixing colors. I am considering several reds, from a cool cherry red to burgundy to a plum type of red/purple and a deep dull orange in the pumpkin range. I also want black, and I’ve got the ‘new’ black….hoping it is deep and true as advertised!
And here is a gift from my not so friendly weaving cohort that greeted me on my morning walk. She also waited out the onslaught of life (in the form of a violent thunderstorm and heavy rains last night) before creating her glorious web sometime early this morning. I hope I will be as successful!