We are in Charleston, and I have not posted anything here since our arrival last Thursday. Bob has posted lots of photos and descriptions of what we’ve been up to, and he’s done such a thorough job, that I’m not inclined to try to catch up!
I’ve been distracted. We are photographing doors and window boxes, something I’m always intrigued to do… I’ve been thinking of window box images taken from every place I’ve been in the past decade or so…. Maine, France, England, now Charleston. There are so many beautiful little window gardens… I’d like to choose a few and weave them using Theo Moorman technique as Daryl Lancaster does (and as I have now done a couple of times), and put them together in a window frame fashion. I’ve got just the spot in our house for this…
I’ve also been distracted thinking about the potential group tapestry project that the Wednesday Group might do. For the first time in aeons I have been reading papers on classical literature and reliving my past when this was such a major part of my life. It’s been aeons of aeons since then. It’s rekindling the love of words and ancient languages that I’ve neglected for so long…
And I’ve been looking for the perfect basket. Actually, I saw it last Thursday, on my first day in the Charleston Market, but I did not know it until I’d spent days looking at hundreds more baskets!
I didn’t realize that I would have so many choices. And in the end that perfect basket was still waiting for me this morning, although when I finally realized it someone was holding it, considering it for themselves. They put it down, and I heard them say, “I’ll think about it and come back”…..bam! It is now mine.
Carlene Habersham made my basket. Here she is making some last minute adjustments to the rim.
She had this book on display in her booth
Carlene said the basket on the cover was made by her grandmother. She then turned to the pages that highlighted both her grandmother’s and her mother’s work. I was duly impressed. But most of all, I just love the basket she made.
Last Thursday I spoke to another woman, Susie, who had some very delicate small baskets on display. I wanted six of them to give to some basket making friends of mine. Susie said only her daughter did work that small, and she called to ask if her daughter could make six miniature baskets over the weekend. Susie told me to come back today and they would be ready. Luckily for me, her daughter came too so I could meet her.
There were lots of other stalls with small baskets, but only these were done to a scale that was pleasing to the size of the basket. Aren’t they lovely?
This basket is done by Susie’s other daughter. It caught my eye as I was leaving their booth.
I am in basket heaven….
Days 52 – 56, Nov. 1 – 5: Charleston, South Carolina
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