It’s August 21 and for several days now I’ve been wearing sweaters as well as knitted wool socks. This aint Kansas! (or NJ!)….this is Maine. The fog has rolled in and out for days; when it rolls in the temperature drops quickly.We’re in Southwest Harbor, and sadly I have discovered that Lilac Lily is no longer in business.
The Debbie Bliss sailor sweater is finished! I just haven’t been able to post it since we’ve been out of internet service for almost a week! My own concocted sweater made with Tess Designer ribbon yarn is waiting to be sewn together….not my favorite part of sweater making! So instead of tackling that I cast one for another sweater. This is a top down design by”Knitting Pure and Simple.” I’m holding two strands together, a 16/2 linen in a muted purple and a linen/cotton/rayon mix, also in purple. I left a good portion of this yarn in the car, thinking I’d never get started on this sweater. I knitted down to the underarms just beyond the point where the sleeves get put on holders, and now I’m out of yarn. I have several projects that I brought from home (the Interweave Knits “Beach House pullover,” Sally Melville’s Einstein coat, Marianne Kinzel’s lace curtains, and the Manos del Uruguay “Serena” that will become a shawl) so I’m not wanting for more knitting!
Some photos from the past week…

Heading up Penobscot Bay to Belfast under N C Wyeth I understand where he got his skies!
I found some treasures during a walk on Holdbrook Island Sanctuary: two kinds of lichen that I have not gathered before. I only take lichen that has fallen on the ground. I’m looking for the species that contains orchil and therefore will make a purple dye. Until I find it I’m only taking a small bit to test for color. Once I find the purple producing lichen I hope to gather more on future forages! …not tons as lichen grows so slowly….just enough to dye an ounce of precious handspun or so…. Also, I had to have the little green urchin….so pretty!
This is an unbelievable garden! In August there are still some flowers on the rhodies, and there are foxglove blooming along with the later summer flowers of rudbeckia, fall anemones and monk’s hood! It’s quite a steep walk up to this hidden gem from the dock, but those who visit Mt. Desert by car can drive up!
Fog banks roll in without warning and lift just as quickly!
Look how much moss and lichen is growing on this building built on a dock at Islesford on Cranberry Island! This is the entrance to a lovely restaurant that draws people from Mt. Desert to visit by ferry just to enjoy a meal here! There is a gallery and a potter’s shop on this dock, and the owners told us that every winter the storms throw up all kinds of weather that raises the floor boards and sending seaweed and debris into their shops! Every spring they clean up and nail the floor boards down again!
Truly wonderful wares in this shop! Lucky for me that Kaitlyn Duggan has a website and Etsy shop so I can consider getting some of her whimsical, lovely dishes without coming all the way back here!
I couldn’t resist this fun bracelet from the pottery studio….
Bob has just returned from visiting a boat on the docks that is a floating veterinary clinic. Dr. Barbara Shively visits various islands throughout the midcoast to take care of dogs and cats, horses, cows, sheep. While she examines dogs right out on deck at the back of her trawler, she always examines the kitties down below in a closed room! What an interesting life!