It’s almost here, and I hope it comes in like a lamb! We just got word from our oil company that we are dangerously low on oil and that the truck cannot get in our driveway due to the closed gate. No one can get that gate open when there is so much snow piled up on either side of it!
There is not much to report here. The weather window for heading out of Florida has closed so nobody is leaving which means we are still anchored back in the mangrove swamps. The herons and egrets and pelicans have good hunting back here and are wonderful to watch. It seems that everytime they strike at something in the water they are swallowing a tasty morsel. The juvenile eagle ray swims by Pandora at some point every day. I think he must also find good feeding back here.
Our older son Rob came for a visit this week after having some business in Miami. It was wonderful to see him! We spent a day together in Key West, using his rental car for the trip. As you know there is only one road that runs down the Keys, US 1, and that road has only one lane in each direction. Much of it is causeway going over water. When there is an accident it pretty much closes down the ability to move in any direction. If you are stuck on a causeway there is no getting off. That is what happened to use on the trip back up to Marathon at the end of our day in Key West. It was a bad accident and had the road closed for most of the day, so in the long run we were pretty lucky. I’m sure lots of folks never got to their destination that day.
Here are Rob and Bob enjoying some cool refreshment on a pretty front porch in Key West, at a bar called “The Porch.”
I have a good crop of mint growing in my window box– along with cilantro and bright red geraniums– and we used the first mint harvest to make mojitos! Yum!
It was quite hard to say goodbye to Rob, not knowing when we will see him next…. and quite hard to learn the news that Chris has decided to move to San Francisco temporarily in order to make some connections out West for his banking start up. This vagabond life is a little hard at times like this. It’s hard enough to get enough time with my kids without also disappearing off the grid for months and months. Sigh…
Our dinghy got damaged several weeks ago, and although Bob bought a repair kit, the fix was not to his liking. We decided to have it re-done professionally. Here it is going back in the water after a day at the shop.
We had to stay ashore for the day while the repairs were done–no other way to get back to our boat. I found a beautiful spot for us to pass some time while we waited….and have lunch as well! This lovely resort is on the other side of Marathon so we were looking out over the Gulf. Some dolphins came near shore to entertain us during lunch.
Today will be a quiet day onboard. I have plans to make bread and get back to weaving!